Thursday, May 21, 2020

The Gibbs Reflective Model the Methods to Overcome the Illness Free Essay Example, 2750 words

The drive concept or the frustration-aggression hypothesis is believed to be an expansion of Freud s theory. When people become frustrated, they become aggressive. The drive is not instinctual. It occurs due to external stimuli (Bjorkly, 2006, p. 33). The aggressive drive varies according to three factors: the amount of frustration, the degree of interference with a goal-seeking response and the number of frustrated responses experienced by the individual (p. 33). Punishment could reduce the dominant aggressive response through learned inhibition. The response could remain unexpressed till a really frustrating event occurs. Biological and social factors could produce the frustrating event. Understanding the frustrating precipitants is significant for prevention of aggressive episodes. Bandura describes aggression as personal injury and physical destruction. His theory of social learning talks about four inter-related processes (Bjorkly, 2006, p. 38). The cues, behaviour and outcome s of the event must be attended to. The observations must be remembered. The cognitive processes must then be changed into new response patterns. Appropriate incentives could then model the behaviour into a more acceptable response. Two groups of motivators are believed to be involved: biologically based ones and the cognitive representations of future outcomes. We will write a custom essay sample on The Gibbs Reflective Model: the Methods to Overcome the Illness or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now Aggressive behaviour may be instigated by the different types of modelling: directive, disinhibitory, emotional arousal and stimulus enhancing. Bandura believes that bizarre internal beliefs could also be instigators for aggression (p. 38). The dialectical behaviour therapy is used for patients with borderline personality disorder. Planning for the therapy. The right type of therapy may differ from person to person. Tony appears to have only episodes of uncontrollable anger and has good days most of the time. He is able to understand that he develops his episodes following certain problems. The dialectical behaviour therapy is most suited for him as he has a borderline personality problem.

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